Our Partners
KidZone Preschool & Childcare is a Ministry of Shelbyville Community Church. For what we believe, our mission, and more head to shelbychurch.org.
Healthy Families Indiana (HFI) is a voluntary evidence-based home visitation program that is designed to promote healthy families and healthy children through a variety of services including child development, access to health care, and parent education. To contact the Shelby County Office click here!
Little Boutique Portraits provide boutique school photos to local schools and centers in Indiana. Our personality portraits capture natural expressions of little ones and give parents fine art portraits to keepsake forever!
Early Learning Shelby County works to support high-quality early learning and healthy development for Shelby County's youngest children, from birth to five, by championing policies, promoting innovative and evidence-based practices, and building public will. Click here for more information.
“The health of Shelby County is everybody’s business. We want you at the table. Please consider lending your ideas and expertise to a Healthy Shelby County Action Team: Healthy Eating, Diversity, Active Living, and Tobacco Free.” Visit their website at healthshelbycounty.org.
Children’s Bureau is built on the belief that giving kids the chance to succeed creates stronger communities. We typically serve more than 40,000 children in over 20,000 families each year. Whether you share your time, expertise, or finances, your support is vital. Will you join us in our mission? Click Here For How!
Macaroni Kid Shelbyville is THE go-to community resource for families in Shelby County. Through our website, weekly newsletters, social media, and weekly events calendar, local parents and caregivers learn what's happening and what's new in our community. You can connect with us at shelbyvillein.macaronikid.com or on Facebook!